Differences Between Craft Sake and Regular Sake

We sometimes come across sake labeled as “Craft Sake.”
Is it different from other types of regular sake?
If there are differences in taste or brewing methods, please let us know.

We received such a question!

Let’s answer it right away.

Craft sake refers to sake made using rice as the base ingredient, but also incorporating additional ingredients such as herbs and fruits, classified as “other brewed beverages,” or unfiltered sake like “doburoku.”

Under the Liquor Tax Law, craft sake is not classified as regular sake (seishu), so it is considered a more freely produced type of sake.

Additionally, craft sake often has a strong flavor from the additional ingredients. In the case of doburoku, which doesn’t use additional ingredients, you can strongly taste the rice flavor.

The birth of the craft sake culture is also influenced by the fact that obtaining a new brewing license for regular sake is not allowed in Japan today.

Craft sake is a testament to the brewers’ desire to create delicious sake even without being able to obtain a regular sake brewing license.

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